Feeling Grateful…

Feeling Grateful…

Dear Sis,

I have been living in Sechelt, on the Sunshine Coast, Western part of Canada, for the last 6 weeks.  I feel extremely grateful for so many reasons.

I am 14 months in, on this journey, of renting out my house.  My heart is full with so many precious moments, memories and so much love.   People often ask, “How are you doing this ?  I could never leave the comforts of my home?”

We are all not in the same place, at the same time.   We are all not lining up to the share the same “type” of experiences.   I believe that we make choices and decisions in our life based on our own personal past experiences.  For me personally, everything lined up in order to make this journey happen for me.  I have zero regrets and I have now added many beautiful moments and experiences to my life because I made this choice.

I started this blog site just before I left for Bali – where I celebrated my 50th birthday.  That was over 6 years ago. At that time, as I was looking for ways to stay connected to you Karen.   It was in your late thirties, when you were  diagnosed with Multiple System Atrophy.  A rare neurodegenerative disease where people typically live for 7 to 10 years.  You fought this battle for 18 years.  For the last ten years of your life, you lived on the complex care floor at St. Vincents Hospital.   You story is quite compelling.  I have never known anyone, to hold on to life so hard, in a loving, very powerful way, as you did.

I have often thought about ending this site; however I enjoy writing and sharing my journey.  It somehow still keeps me connected to you.  I do hope that maybe someone will feel inspired, however that may look.   I don’t blog as regularly as I did in the past.   I often find I could share a story daily, as I feel I go though life, taking in so much and always being aware of what is happening around me.  Creating my own experiences.  But for now it is important for me to write, as this an “album of my life” for my daughter Jenna and your children – Samantha and Carter – who will be able to look back at so many memories that include you, their mom.    So yes, I may not write as often as I do, but thank you to those who have stayed on this journey with me,

The last 14 months has been pretty special.   I am so very grateful for the support that my friends have created for me.  They have provided me with opportunities to care for their home, their pets and yes even their parents.  I have been in Victoria, Nanaimo, Comox, West Vancouver, Qualicum, Nanoose Bay, Kitsilano and the Sunshine Coast.  Every single “House / Pet sit” has been so special.   Considering most are 3 – 6 weeks, I get to settle right in and bond with these wonderful animals.  But the magic is not just with the pets.  It is often the days that I get to hang with the owners, my friends.  The quality time I have shared with so many important people in my life.  It has been heartwarming.  TRULY THANKFUL.

At the start of the year, I took Jenna to Nicaragua.  That was such a special trip.   She keeps telling me how it will always be one of her favourite trips ever.  Not only did we need it as mother and daughter – COVID and the teenage years were very tough for the two of us – but she needed this to evolve as a human.

We stayed in Granada, Opoyo Lagoon, Ometepe Island and San Juan del Sur.  We boarded down an active volcano, we went to our first club together and danced (she was 18 and legal) we rented an ATV on Ometepe Island, she went to  Sunday Funday – Central American’s largest pool crawl with hundreds of backpackers  – she learned to play pool, we both met many people (including locals) but most of all she got to experience another culture.

Here are some highlights…..

We started our morning at 5am – travelled over 3 hours to board down an active volcano – now I can say I have done this and Sandboarding in the desert dunes in Abu Dabhi – check check 🙂


Some of the beautiful places we stayed…..

When Jenna returned from Nicaragua, she had a goal and was very focused to save money, and travel Europe. In July,  two weeks post turning 19, she boarded a plane and has now been in Europe for the last two months.   She has travelled to Split, Hvar, Venice, Milan, Florence, Nice, Barcelona, Bordeaux and Paris.  Taking 12 – 15 hour bus rides from Country to Country, City to City.  She connected with so many people.  Her note to me a few weeks ago said, “This trip has shown me my strength, courage, determination and power I have within myself.” I am so proud of her for making this happen.  I know how impactful this travel time is for her as a young teenage girl.

I have also been very focused on enhancing my knowledge when it comes to Death and Dying.   In May of 2021, month post you transitioning Karen, I took a Death Doula Course, via Douglas College.   It was such a beautiful course.   In  July of this year, I signed up for another course via Doulagivers – based in the States – SUZANNE O’BRIEN is the teacher- she is amazing – an ongoing course that may take anywhere from 4 months to 1 year.  There is just so much information out there around the subject of Death and Dying.  In the first two month of this course, I found myself constantly reading, and taking it all in.   However over the last two months, I have been more involved with assisting good friends, and their aging parents.    I always learn so much and it is really my pleasure, and an honour to be there for them.

I believe that we must bring back the “human” part of dying – stop thinking Death is an option – it’s not.  We need to make it a human experience and not a medical experience.  Over the last 100 years we have lost this.  And now we are living longer – many years ago, the average age of death was in the 40’s and it is now in the 80’s – we don’t have enough care aids, nurses – our medical system is fragmented – and 98% per cent of the care aid is done by family members – and family members need holistic training on how to care for their loved ones – and hopefully this care can be at home.

I have been in Sechelt now for 44 days – my friends are returning home this afternoon.   This place has been so magical.  John and Jeff, who own this home, are away on their honeymoon.  John and I met in Whistler, when we were 23 years old.    He is one amazing human who will always be very special to me.   I am madly in love with their cat Peesh who is sitting half on my lap at the moment.

That was then – 34 years ago when we met working at the Chateau Whistler and this is now 🙂

Since I have been in Sechelt, I have had many weekend visits with some wonderful friends and family.  My nephew Carter and his girlfriend Shayma also came for a weekend.   I have been able to get some self care.  Taking morning ocean dips, studying and reading, walking the trails – I find the older I am getting, it is even more important for me to schedule time for ME.  I find myself craving my alone time – where in the past I suffered from FOMO (fear of missing out) ha !

As much as I have fallen in love with the Peeshee poo – the lovely cat I am looking after – I have created such a special bond with my friend Johns parents, Papere (George) and Mamere (Terry).  Mamere is 90 and Papere is 91.  They live on their own, quite independently and as of two years ago, they can no longer drive.  Therefore it is challenging for them to leave their home.  I have enjoyed helping them with the grocery shop, making sure they have their fish and chips on Friday afternoons and whatever else they need me for.  We shared a couple of card games, two take out Chinese dinner and one sushi dinner, always with such interesting conversations.  They are truly exceptional humans.  I am going to miss them but I will be back xo

Everyday, I am grateful – I am so VERY grateful for my life.  However I made choices at a very young age to not let the adversities, the pain, sadness over the loss of so many I love (especially losing my parents in my early 20;s)  and / or  illness (In my mid 20’s I struggled with Crohn’s disease – in and out of the hospital).  But two years post major surgery, at the age of 28, I boarded a plane and moved to Taiwan and Thailand for 4 years – it was one of the best decisions of my life.  I will always do my best to not let an “illness” stop me from living my best life.

A couple of months ago, two weeks pre arriving to the Sunshine Coast, I was reminded again how quickly life can change.   I was staying on Vancouver Island, in the home of two of my besties, Mike and Christine.   It is in their home, since clearing out my house, where in their crawl space,  I store my 9 “life” bins.  It was in August, and I was looking after their two pups, as they were back East, at their niece’s wedding.   It was a rainy weekend and I spent Saturday reorganizing my clothes, suitcase, and bins – I was getting prepared for the fall.   I spent a couple of hours going up and down in the crawl space.  Well, that evening I closed the pantry door, completely forgeting to close the “hutch” door.   So when I went down late that evening (yes to get a snack for the second half of my movie) it was completely dark.  I did not turn on the kitchen light because I knew there was a light in the pantry on the left side.  I opened the pantry door, stepped in to turn the light on,  thinking I was stepping on a solid floor and fell through “the hole”.

I hit the stairs on the way down, banged up my knee, large bruise on the side of my body, had a HUGE goose egg on the top of my head and broke 3 ribs.  I was able to stand up, climb up the stairs and call a friend.  I was trembling – I was so scared, especially because I was alone.

For the next 24 hours I could not tell this story without crying – I was very emotional.  It was quite traumatizing.  But within 72 hours I made a choice to move into a place of gratitude.    I am so thankful for my bubble of angels who protected me on my way down.  It could have been so much worse, and I learned so many lessons from this fall.  I hope this helps make someone slow down, be mindful – and please be careful – things can happen so quickly and my life could have easily changed so drastically.

It is now Thanksgivng weekend.   Since being on the Sunshine Coast, I have had so many wonderful weekends with friends (and family) however this has been a special Mother – Daughter weekend as I am sharing it with my daughter Jenna.   She arrived home – to Vancouver Island – from Europe, on Monday of this week.  On Friday morning she boarded a float plane, and just spent two nights with me on the Sunshine Coast to share Thanksgiving Weekend.  It really is my FAVOURITE time of year, as I reflect how grateful I am for my life.  She got on a float plane last night – back to the Island – and today I will leave the Sunshine Coast with a very busy couple of weeks ahead of me.   Work related and personally.

Over the next month, I will travel to Vancouver Island, visit some existing customers and meet some new customers – after 16 years of managing the Healthcare and Retirement Living homes for Gordon Food Service on Vancouver Island, I was promoted to a new position.   Over the next two months, I will transition to an Account Manager for Remote Accommodations, Higher Education and Institutional accounts in Western Canada. The timing for me is perfect and I am so grateful to be offered this new position.  I also just “won” top sales growth in Western Canada – on our national team – so I am feeling like I am leaving at the perfect time.  “MIC DROP, I am out!!!” Such a wonderful way to “move on”.    This will still be a remote position, with some travel and I am very excited for the new challenge.

So yes fun times ahead – post my upcoming week on the Island, we have our annual food show at the Pacific Coliseum – and the day post on Oct 24th I will board a plane to Montreal to visit family and friends – I will then driver to Ottawa with Lynn – my surrogate sister – as we are having a celebration of life for you Karen – considering you passed during COVID it is time to come together celebrate so many beautiful memories and stories – all about YOU.

When I return from this trip, I am very excited as we are also celebrating our 35 years Chateau Whistler reunion and of course our annual company Christmas party taking place at the Westin Bayshore downtown Vancouver – so yes lots to celebrate and lots to be GRATEFUL for.

I hope everyone had a wonderful year – I am so pleased that I am going to finally post a blog – I tend to start writing but never finish – and yesterday Jenna said to me, “Mom please keep writing these, as one day I will really really appreciate them.”   Karen, I think my next blog my start to be dedicated to Jenna.  However, please know that YOU are the reason I started this site many years ago.

HAPPY THANKSGIVING and I truly believe that we can ALL find something to be grateful for.

Kathy xo

Here are a few of my favourite moments from 2024….

San Josef Bay – located on the Western Coast of Vancouver Island is known as one of the worlds most beautiful beaches.

Some highlights……hiking, skiing, Sonoma – toured wineries – summer event – friends and family visits – so far 2024 has been an amazing year xo

pics from









One thought on “Feeling Grateful…

  1. Cathy, I so love your blog, it brings a smile to my face every time I read one and warmth in my heart as you are such a beautiful spirit. Congratulations on the promotion, I am not think of anyone more deserving, koodoos to GFS for keeping you all these years you are not only one of the best in the business but also one of the most amazing people in the world. We really do have to connect soon. I am actually hoping to come over to the show at the PNE. But definitely we HAVE to get together. Not sure if you still have my info but here it is again just in case. C 2509475020, E: [email protected]
    Cheers my friend.

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